Saturday, September 8, 2018

Healthful Activates Exercise, cleanliness and sleep are also essential for good health, besides balanced diet.

Healthful Activates
Exercise, cleanliness and sleep are also essential for good health, besides balanced diet.


Physical activity is called physical exercise. Exercise can help you in having good health in many ways:


Exercise improves the flow of blood. The flow of blood through the body is called circulation. Exercise improves circulation to skin, arms, legs, brain, and other body parts. The people who take exercise they sleep better. People who do not exercise may have difficulty falling asleep. They may awaken feeling tired.


There is no other way to make the muscles healthy except to take exercise. As you exercise, you may notice that you are able to work and play for longer period of time without getting tired.

Weight Control 

Excess starch, and fats get stored in the body under the skin. The result weight gain. It is the exercise which can dissolve extra fats in the body. Therefore, exercise is of great help for weight control.


Cleanliness also promotes physical health.

Skin Care 

Our skin has two layers:
(1) Outer layer
(2) Inner layer.
The outer layer is made of dead cells. These dead cells are constantly being replaced by new cells. It Is the outer layer of skin where body oils, dirt, and perspiration collect.

Bathing regularly with soap removes the oils on the skin, and washes away the dirt, perspiration and dead skin cells. Wash your face at least two times a day With soap.

Always wash your hands after using the bathroom. Wash your hands' before eating, and preparing food. According to new research, it has been found that dirty hands spread more cold germs than coughing and sneezing.

Nail care 

Fingernails and toenails need to be cleaned regularly. A nailbrush should be used to clean under the nails. Fingernails and toenails must be trimmed regularly.

Never bite your fingernails. While you are biting your nails, germs from your nails may enter your mouth. Biting often breaks open the skin around the nail. Germs can enter your body through broken skin.

Hair Care 

Shampoo your hair at least twice a week. If you have oily hair or exercise regularly, then you need to shampoo your hair more often. Soap can also be used to wash hair.

Teeth Care

Healthy teeth are very important for good health. If you have healthy teeth, you will chew your food to make it more digestible for your body. When you eat, particles of food get stuck between your teeth. These particles may form plaque.

Plaque is harmful to dental health. Brush your teeth twice a day early in the morning and before going to bed. Always gurgle after taking any meal. Dental check up is an extra step, you can take to avoid teeth and gum problems.


Sleep is a state of restfulness. When we sleep, our muscles relax. The number of times our heart beats per minute decreases. We also take fewer breaths per minute as we sleep. Everyone needs . sleep but in different amounts.

Most children need 10 to 12 hours of sleep each night. The average adult needs about 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

Always remember: early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Do not cover your face while sleeping. Keep the ventilator or window open.


1. Exercise, cleanliness and sleep are also essential for good health, besides balanced diet.

2. Exercise improves the circulation of blood; it helps to make the muscles healthy; it dissolves extra fats in body.

3. Cleanliness promotes health. We must be careful about the cleanliness of our body, nails, hair and teeth.

4. Sleep is a state of restfulness. Always remember early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and Wise.


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