Currency Rates in Pakistan, Convert US Dollar, British Pound, Euro, Saudi Riyal, UAE Dirham, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar to Pakistani Rupees.
currency rate in Pakistan according to international currencies as of 23rd February 2019.
The price of 1 USD to PKR buying is 138.65 Rs selling of US Dollar is 139.05 Rs, GBP to PKR buying is 179.50 Rs, selling is 180.50 Rs. Euro to PKR buying is 156.00 Rs., selling is 156.50 Rs. Saudi Riyal to PKR buying is 36.70 Rs., selling is 36.90 Rs. UAE Dirham buying is 37.60 Rs., selling is 37.85 Rs. Australian Dollar buying is 98.50 Rs., Selling is 99.25 Rs.
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