Peshawar Zalmi chairman Javed Afridi took to Twitter on Monday to announce Gul Panra as the official brand ambassador of the team and appreciated her for "being a supporter of his team since PSL s Season 1".
“It is a matter of felicity for the whole KP that the famed artist, Gul panra has joined PeshawarZalmi ,ZalmiGlobal and FoundationZalmi as regional brand ambassador for the upcoming thePSLt20 4. We, welcome her amicably to the Zalmi Family,” he said in his tweet, adding “Gul Panra will be accompanying PeshawarZalmi , ZalmiGlobal and FoundationZalmi in all its projects particularly those that are based on women and youth empowerment in KP region,” Afridi stated in his tweets.
Gul Panra will be accompanying @PeshawarZalmi , @ZalmiGlobal & @FoundationZalmi in all its projects particularly those that are based on women and youth empowerment in KP region.
— Javed Afridi جاوید آفریدی (@JAfridi10) January 28, 2019
According to him, Panra will also be a part of women empowerment activities led by the Zalmi Foundation.
Meanwhile, Panra expressed her joy for joining the Peshawar Zalmi, and said "I am sure that the team will perform brilliantly in Season 4 and wins the support of Zalmi fans.”
She further appreciated Afridi for initiating such programs as the Zalmi Madrasa League, the Zalmi School League, the Zalmi School League and the Zalmi Azadi Cup.
Panra had sung an anthem for the Peshawar Zalmi in the first season of the PSL while she is expected to sing another anthem for her team very soon.
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